

Spatial variation in chemical components of Rheum palmatum L. and climatic response characteristics

  • 摘要: 基于多层次气候因子和掌叶大黄(Rheum palmatum L.)的化学成分含量,运用聚类和相关性分析法对掌叶大黄化学成分的地理变异规律进行研究。结果显示,四川地区的掌叶大黄属于游离蒽醌-双蒽酮化学型,甘肃-宁夏地区属于结合蒽醌化学型。Pearson系数分析结果表明,气温和水汽压是造成掌叶大黄品质空间变异的主要原因。结合掌叶大黄中的结合蒽醌类物质与3-11月的月均气温为强正相关,与全年的月均水汽压呈强正相关,同时与6-8月的月均辐射量呈强正相关,与6-9月月均降水呈负相关。游离蒽醌与最冷季的月均水汽压呈负相关,蒽酮类物质与每月气温呈强负相关,与每月水汽压呈负相关。研究结果说明最冷季的水汽压和最湿季的月均气温是影响掌叶大黄品质的重要时间窗口和关键因子。


    Abstract: We investigated geographical variation in the chemical components of rhubarb (Rheum palmatum L.) and its response to multilevel climatic factors based on clustering and heap graph analysis. Results showed that rhubarb from Sichuan belonged to the free anthraquinone-double anthrone chemical type, while rhubarb from Gansu and Ningxia belonged to the anthraquinone chemical type. Pearson correlation analysis of the response relationships between multilevel climatic factors and rhubarb components showed that temperature and vapor pressure were key factors related to spatial variation in R. palmatum quality. Anthraquinones were positively correlated with mean monthly temperature from March to November and mean monthly water vapor pressure for the whole year, positively correlated with mean monthly sunshine from June to August, and negatively correlated with mean monthly precipitation from June to September. Free anthraquinones were negatively correlated with mean monthly water vapor pressure in the coldest season. Anthrones were negatively correlated with monthly temperature and negatively correlated with monthly water vapor pressure. These results implied that vapor pressure in the coldest season and monthly average temperature in the wettest season were important time windows and key factors affecting R. palmatum quality.


