

AtMES1 positively regulates seed number per silique in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh

  • 摘要: 基于拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh)单角果种子数量(角粒数)的全基因组关联分析(GWAS)数据,筛选到一个可能影响角粒数的候选基因AtMES1,并对其表达模式和转录组数据进行了分析。结果显示,AtMES1的表达模式分析结果表明其在心皮和花序处等特异性表达。分析该基因T-DNA插入突变体的表型发现其角粒数比野生型对照显著下降。转录组分析结果表明,参与调控胚珠发生和发育的多个重要基因在缺失突变体中表达下调。同时使用胎座特异启动子使AtMES1在雌蕊中过量表达,发现转基因植株的角果长度变短,但种子密度显著增加,原因可能是通过激活植物激素相关通路,从而调控胚珠发生和发育相关基因表达正调控角粒数。研究结果初步证实了AtMES1具有正调控拟南芥角粒数和种子密度的功能。


    Abstract: According to our previous genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) and prediction of gene expression, we identified AtMES1 as a potential gene that may participate in regulating seed number per silique (SNS). We identified the loss-of-function mutants of AtMES1 and analyzed their phenotypes. AtMES1 had significantly reduced SNS and seed density compared with the wild-type control. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that multiple important genes involved in hormone-related ovule initiation and development were down-regulated, suggesting that AtMES1 positively regulated SNS by modulating hormone signals. The ectopic expression of AtMES1 by placenta-specific promoter STK led to shorter siliques but significantly increased seed density, further demonstrating that AtMES1 positively regulated ovule initiation and seed density. In conclusion, our study suggests that AtMES1 is a new positive regulator of Arabidopsis ovule initiation and SNS.


