

Role of intercellular movement of transcription factors in plant growth and development

  • 摘要: 多细胞生物体的生长发育依赖于细胞和细胞之间物质的交流和信号的传递。细胞命运的特化受到来自旁临细胞信息的调控。作为细胞-细胞通讯方式之一的蛋白质胞间运输广泛的存在于植物各种发育过程中。本文总结了近年来有关植物重要发育调控转录因子在细胞间移动的研究进展,综述了这些因子移动的细胞学基础和分子调控模型,并对今后蛋白胞间移动研究面临的挑战和需引入的新技术手段进行了展望。


    Abstract: The growth and development of multicellular organisms relies on substance exchange and signal transmission between cells. Cell fate specification is tightly controlled by signals from adjacent cells. Intracellular protein transport is widely involved in various developmental processes in plants. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the intercellular movement of key transcription factors controlling plant development. We also review the cellular basis and molecular regulatory models of movement. Finally, we discuss challenges and new techniques for studying intercellular protein movement.


