

Differences in responses of Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.)Sarg. seedlings from different provenances to cadmium stress and cadmium tolerance evaluation

  • 摘要: 中国马褂木(Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.)Sarg.)是优良的绿化树种和用材树种,本文以来自3个省份7个种源的中国马褂木实生幼苗为材料,采取水培法,研究10 mg/kg 镉胁迫0、5、10、15 d 后叶片生理生化指标的变化,以及根、茎、叶对镉的吸收累积特征,并对其耐镉能力进行综合评价。结果显示:随着镉胁迫时间延长,各种源幼苗生长均受到抑制,叶绿素含量显著下降,丙二醛(MDA)累积量持续上升,不同种源的变化幅度差异显著;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性均显著升高,不同种源酶活性随胁迫时间的变化趋势不一致。基于生理生化指标,利用隶属函数法评价不同种源马褂木镉耐受能力的强弱顺序为:贵州剑河 > 贵州松桃 > 浙江遂昌 > 云南河口 > 云南麻栗坡 > 贵州道真 > 云南金平。处理15 d后,中国马褂木植株镉累积量从高到低排序为根 > 茎 > 叶,贵州剑河、贵州松桃种源植株中的镉浓度相对较低,而云南河口和云南金平种源植株中的镉浓度显著高于其他种源,不同种源植株镉浓度与隶属函数分析得出的耐镉能力具有较强的相关性。本研究结果表明:各种源中国马褂木耐镉能力差异较大,耐性种源可能通过老叶脱离、激活抗氧化酶活性、根系限制镉离子的吸收转运等方式缓解镉胁迫的毒害,从而表现出较强的耐镉性。


    Abstract: Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.)Sarg. is a good timber and landscape tree species. In the current study, we investigated the physiological responses of L. chinense seedlings from three provinces and seven provenances under cadmium stress (concentration of 10 mg/kg) at four different time points (0, 5, 10, and 15 d) in hydroponic experiments. The characteristics of Cd2+ absorption and distribution in roots, stems, and leaves were measured. Cadmium tolerance (Cd) of the different provenances were evaluated by the membership function method based on the physiological indices of the leaves. Results showed that the growth of seedlings from different provenances was inhibited to varying degrees with prolonged cadmium stress. Chlorophyll content decreased significantly and malondialdehyde content increased, but the change ranges differed significantly among provenances. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities were increased significantly, but the trend patterns in different provenances varied with prolongation of stress time. Based on physiological and biochemical indices, the order of cadmium tolerance of L.chinense from different provenances was: GZJH > GZST > ZJSC > YNHK > YNMLP > GZDZ > YNJP. After 15 d of Cd stress, the order of cadmium concentration in the plants was root > stem > leaf. Furthermore, cadmium concentrations in the roots, stems, and leaves of the GZJH and GZST provenances from Guizhou were significantly lower than that in the YNHK and YNJP provenances from Yunnan. Cadmium tolerance of the L. chinense provenances differed from each other and showed strong correlation with the concentration of cadmium in the plant organs. Seedlings from resistant provenances may alleviate cadmium-induced damage by separating old leaves, regulating antioxidant enzyme activity, and restricting cadmium absorption of the root, which could be used for the ecological restoration of cadmium-polluted soil.


