

Study on genetic diversity and distribution patterns of Bupleurum dracaenoides Huan C. Wang, Z. R. He & H. Sun

  • 摘要: 本研究基于7个叶绿体DNA片段(cpDNA)和2个核DNA片段(ITS和PZ8)的测序数据,对龙血树柴胡(Bupleurum dracaenoides Huan C.Wang,Z.R.He&H.Sun)8个居群的153个样本进行了遗传多样性和分布式样研究。cpDNA片段分析结果显示:龙血树柴胡在物种水平具有较高的遗传多样性(Hd=0.862;Pi=0.00567),但居群内遗传多样性低,遗传变异主要存在于居群间,遗传分化显著(Fst=0.959);而核DNA片段ITS和PZ8的数据分析结果显示,其遗传多样性较低(Hd=0.532,Pi =0.00121和Hd=0.349,Pi=0.00060),遗传变异主要存在于居群内,居群间仅存在一定程度的遗传分化。中性检验和失配分布分析结果发现龙血树柴胡没有经历过近期种群扩张事件,8个居群的153个样本从遗传成份上可被分为两组。研究结果将为龙血树柴胡的资源保护和发掘提供参考。


    Abstract: Bupleurum dracaenoides Huan C. Wang, Z. R. He & H. Sun is a recently published species characterized by a woody stem up to 1.5 m in height. It is the only woody species of the genus Bupleurum found in Asia and is endemic to the dry-hot valleys of the Jinsha River. The distribution of B. dracaenoides is quite narrow, with only a few populations found in the Pudu River area of Yunnan Province and Huidong County of Sichuan Province. It is a critically endangered species, with a limited number of individuals and threatened wild habitat. Thus, assessing its genetic diversity and distribution patterns is urgent for the protection of its wild resources. In this study, 153 individuals were studied using seven chloroplast DNA fragments and two nuclear DNA fragments to investigate the genetic diversity and distribution within and among eight populations of B. dracaenoides. Based on chloroplast DNA data analysis, B. dracaenoides showed high genetic diversity at the species level (Hd=0.862; Pi=0.00567), and genetic variations were mostly distributed among populations (Fst=0.959). However, genetic diversity at the species level was relatively low based on ITS and PZ8 (ITS:Hd=0.532, Pi=0.00121;PZ8:Hd=0.349, Pi=0.00060), and genetic variations were mostly distributed within populations (ITS:Fst=0.475; PZ8:Fst=0.093). Neutral test and mismatch distribution analyses of the chloroplast DNA, ITS, and PZ8 data indicated that B. dracaenoides has not experienced recent population expansion. STRUCTURE analysis of the combined nuclear DNA sequencing data revealed that all 153 individuals were grouped into two genetic clusters.


