

Identification and formation of natural hybrids of Campeiostachys in Triticeae

  • 摘要: 本研究通过形态学、细胞学、系统发育分析等方法对小麦族曲穗草属(Campeiostachys)的两株疑似天然杂种进行鉴定,探究其可能的亲本及杂种形成机制。结果显示:两株天然杂种在形态上与短芒曲穗草(Campeiostachys breviaristata(Keng) Y.H.Zhou,H.Q.Zhang et C.R.Yang.)相近,长势优于后者,但其花粉育性(13.30%和21.20%)和结实率(10.70%和18.60%)较低;细胞学分析表明两株天然杂种均为六倍体(2n =42),染色体组组成为StStYYHH;系统发育分析结果表明两株杂种的可能亲本为短芒曲穗草、无芒披碱草(Elymus submuticus Keng)、黑紫披碱草(Elymus atratus (Nevski) Hand.-Mazz)。基于杂种具有无芒或短芒的特征,结合形态学特征,推测短芒曲穗草和无芒披碱草为两株天然杂种可能的亲本供体,且短芒曲穗草为母本。


    Abstract: In this study, morphological, cytological, and phylogenetic analyses were used to identify two suspected natural hybrids in the genus Campeiostachys. Results showed that the two natural hybrids were similar to C.breviaristata (Keng) Y. H. Zhou, H. Q. Zhang et C. R. Yang. morphologically, but had low pollen fertility (13.30% and 21.20%) and seed setting (10.70% and 18.60%). Cytological studies showed that the two hybrids were hexaploids (2n=42), with StStYYHH genomes. Phylogenetic analysis based on the nuclear gene DMC1 and chloroplast gene rps16 showed that the possible parents of the natural hybrids were C. breviaristata,Elymus submuticus Keng, and Elymus atratus (Nevski) Hand.-Mazz, with C. breviaristata being the female parent. Considering the hybrids had no or short awns, we inferred that C. breviaristata (female parent) and E. submuticus may be the parental species of these two natural hybrids.


