

Effects of CPPU treatment on fruit quality in Actinidia

  • 摘要: 以猕猴桃(Actinidia)品种‘东红’和‘金玉’为材料,在果实发育不同时期用20 mg/L的氯吡脲(CPPU)浸果处理,比较不同实验组的果重、可溶性固形物含量、糖含量、酸含量、Vc含量和花青素含量等果实品质的差异,探讨CPPU处理的最佳时期;并在‘东红’和‘金玉’的CPPU处理组和对照组中,采用实时荧光PCR技术(RT-qPCR)分析花青素相关基因的表达水平,探究CPPU调控花青素积累的分子机理。结果显示,花后14 d (14 DAF)为CPPU处理‘东红’的最佳时期,处理后单果重提高了24%,总糖含量提高了38%。相关性分析表明,果重与花青素含量成正相关。‘金玉’果实经CPPU处理后内果皮并未出现明显变化。‘东红’果实经处理后,其花青素含量显著提高,内果皮颜色更加红艳。RT-qPCR分析结果发现,CPPU处理后花青素合成相关基因AcF3GT、AcF3H、AcLDOX、AcMYB10AcMYB110表达量上调,促进花青素的积累。研究结果表明CPPU处理能提升‘东红’和‘金玉’猕猴桃果实品质,处理‘东红’猕猴桃的最佳处理时期是花后14 d。CPPU处理导致上述5个基因表达水平提高,从而增加花青素含量,使红心猕猴桃果肉更加红艳。


    Abstract: In this study, the ‘Donghong’ and ‘Jinyu’ Actinidia varieties were treated with 20 mg/L CPPU at different periods of fruit development, with water used as a control. To explore the optimal period of CPPU treatment, differences in fruit quality, such as fruit weight, soluble solids content, sugar content, acid content, Vc content, and anthocyanin content, were estimated in different experimental groups. Real-time fluorescence polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used to analyze the expression levels of anthocyanin-related genes in the CPPU-treated and control groups. Results showed that 14 d after flowering (14 DAF) was the best period for CPPU treatment in ‘Donghong’. Fruit weight and total sugar content in ‘Donghong’ increased by 24% and 38%, respectively, with CPPU treatment at 14 d. Correlation analysis showed that fruit weight was positively correlated with anthocyanin content. The ‘Jinyu’ fruit endocarp did not show significant changes after CPPU treatment. However, in the ‘Donghong’ fruit, anthocyanin content increased significantly and the endocarp became much redder after CPPU treatment. RT-qPCR analysis showed that the expression levels of the AcF3GT, AcF3H, AcLDOX, AcMYB10, and AcMYB110 genes were up-regulated after CPPU treatment, which promoted anthocyanin accumulation. Thus, CPPU treatment improved fruit quality in ‘Donghong’ and ‘Jinyu’ kiwifruit, and treatment at 14 d after flowering was optimal for ‘Donghong’. The expression levels of anthocyanin-related genes (AcF3GT, AcF3H, AcLDOX, AcMYB10, and AcMYB110) increased with CPPU treatment, which led to an increase in anthocyanin content and enhanced red flesh color in ‘Donghong’, thus providing a basis for studying the color mechanism and cytokinin regulation in Actinidia.


