

Community characteristics of macro-and meso-soil fauna in alpine forest-shrub ecotones in central and western China

  • 摘要: 高山林灌交错区是植被垂直带谱中的一个重要过渡区域,为探究高山林线附近林灌交错区不同植被类型下大、中型土壤动物群落特征,对贡嘎山、太白山和神农架等3处高海拔林灌交错区内的土壤动物群落进行了调查。共捕获大、中型土壤动物1099只,隶属于3门9纲26目。结果显示:不同植被类型针叶林与灌木林下,土壤动物的总体密度差异不显著;针叶林与灌木林中土壤动物在目水平上存在一些相似群落组成,贡嘎山采样区的群落组成与太白山和神农架有较大差异。弹尾纲、昆虫纲、唇足纲和寡毛纲类群密度在3处林灌交错区差异显著;3处林灌交错区内,只有神农架灌木林倍足纲的平均密度显著高于针叶林的密度,另两处的各主要类群在植被类型间均没有差异。表明高山林灌交错区土壤动物的总体密度没有差异,但群落组成有一定的差异。


    Abstract: The alpine forest-shrub ecotone is an important transition region in the vegetation altitudinal spectrum. To investigate the characteristics of soil fauna communities under different vegetation types in alpine forest-shrub ecotones, the soil fauna communities in the Gongga, Taibai, and Shennongjia mountains were investigated. A total of 1099 soil fauna belonging to three phyla, nine classes, and 26 orders were captured. Results showed that under different vegetation types, total density of soil fauna did not differ significantly between the coniferous and shrub forests. Soil fauna in the coniferous and shrub forests showed certain similarities in community composition at the order level, but community composition at Gongga differed from that at Taibai and Shennongjia. The densities of Collembola, Insecta, Chilopoda, and Oligochaeta differed significantly among the three forest-shrub ecotones. Average density of Diplopoda in the Shennongjia shrub forest was significantly higher than that in the coniferous forest, but there were no differences between vegetation types in the other two sites for the other main groups. Thus, results showed that there were no differences in soil faunatotal density among the three ecotones, but there were certain differences in community composition.


