

Trade-off relationship between leaf number and leaf size on current-year twigs of Populus euphratica Oliv. in response to groundwater gradients in extreme arid area of northwestern China

  • 摘要: 本文以胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)为研究对象,采用标准化主轴回归估计(SMA)方法探讨了种群叶片大小(单叶面积、单叶质量)与出叶强度(基于小枝质量、茎质量、茎体积)的异速生长关系对地下水埋深梯度(Groundwater depth,GWD)的响应及其变化规律。结果显示:随GWD增加,胡杨当年生小枝上的叶数量增多,而树高、叶片大小、比叶面积、叶茎质量比和叶面积比均呈降低趋势;不同GWD胡杨当年生小枝上叶片大小与出叶强度(基于质量)呈负等速权衡关系,而叶片大小与出叶强度(基于体积)呈负异速生长关系;GWD显著影响胡杨叶片大小与出叶强度的权衡关系,随GWD增加,胡杨通过增加叶数量来弥补叶大小生长受限的损失。表明水分条件较好的生境胡杨倾向于在当年生小枝上着生数量少的大叶片,而在干旱贫瘠生境则倾向于着生数量多的小叶片。


    Abstract: In this paper, Populus euphratica Oliv. was selected as the research object, and standardized major axis regression was used to determine the allometric relationship between leaf size (individual leaf mass and leaf area) and leafing intensity (based onstem mass, volume, and twig mass) on current-year twigs under different groundwater depths (GWD) and to explore the effects of GWD on the scaling relationship between individual leaf size and leafing intensity. Results showed:(1) Leaf number of current-year twigs increased significantly (P < 0.05), while tree height, specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf/stem mass ratio, and individual leaf area and lamina mass decreased with GWD increase. (2) A negative and isometric relationship was found between leaf size and leafing intensity (based-mass), whereas a negative and allometric relationship was found between leaf size and leafing intensity (based-volume) along the GWD gradient. (3) GWD significantly affected the trade-off relationship between leafing intensity and leaf size. (4) P. euphratica compensated for the loss of limited leaf size by increasing the number of leaves with GWD increase. In brief, P. euphratica tended to have relatively few large leaves in habitats with better water conditions, but tended to have many small leaves on current-year twigs in arid and barren habitats.


