

Research progress on photosynthetic contribution of non-leaf green organs in plants

  • 摘要: 植物光合作用是生物界赖以生存的基础。长期以来,叶片被认为是植物进行光合作用的重要器官。然而在逆境条件下,植物非叶绿色器官的光合贡献也具有巨大的潜力。近年来,为了探究植物增产的新途径,科研工作者纷纷把目光投向了植物非叶绿色器官。本文简述了植物非叶绿色器官中能够进行光合作用的器官类型、非叶绿色器官光合贡献率及其光合贡献率的测量方法。通过探究不同类型非叶绿色器官光合贡献的差异,比较不同光合贡献率的测量方法,旨在为探索提高非叶绿色器官光合性能的途径提供参考。


    Abstract: Plant photosynthesis is the basis for the survival of the biological world. Leaves have traditionally been considered as the main organs for photosynthesis in plants. However, the photosynthetic contribution of non-leaf green organs shows great potential under adverse conditions. To explore new ways to improve plant production, researchers have recently turned their attention to non-leaf green organs in plants. In this review, the types and photosynthetic contributions of non-leaf green organs as well as photosynthetic measurement methods are introduced. The goal of comparing differences in non-leaf green organ photosynthetic contributions and measurement methods is to provide a reference for improving non-leaf green organ photosynthetic performance.


