

Research progress on the pathways and regulation of flowering transformation in fruit trees

  • 摘要: 植物成花转变是营养生长向生殖生长转变的过程,木本果树过长的童期严重制约了育种的进程。相对于模式植物,目前对果树成花转变与调控的研究相对较少。因此,了解并掌握果树成花转变的途径及调控方法,对于缩短果树童期、调控开花,加速果树育种具有重要意义。基于近年来国内外相关研究,本文系统总结了果树的成花途径,阐述了果树栽培措施、植物生长调节剂等成花调控方法,以及果树中成花调控的相关基因及网络机制。最后,本文还对以修饰组学为主的多组学以及嫁接和植物生长调节剂在果树成花调控中的研究前景进行了展望。


    Abstract: Floral transformation is the transition process of plant vegetative growth to reproductive growth. The long juvenile period in woody fruit trees inhibits the process of plant breeding. Compared with model plants, limited studies have been conducted on the mechanism and regulation of fruit tree flowering transformation. Therefore, understanding the pathways and controlling methods of fruit tree blooming are significant for shortening the fruit tree juvenile period, regulating flowering time, and accelerating fruit tree breeding. Based on recent research, we summarized the flowering pathways, cultivation measures, plant growth regulation, and regulation network mechanism of flower formation in fruit trees. Finally, we also discussed future prospects of multi-omics research as well as grafting and plant growth regulators in the regulation of flower formation in fruit trees.


