

Differences in species composition and functional diversity of understory plant communities of Robinia pseudoacacia L. stands with different ages

  • 摘要: 群落物种组成与功能多样性动态变化反映了种群的现状及未来群落的演替趋势。本文选取不同林龄刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)林的林下草地植被为研究对象,通过群落特征调查和功能性状测定,分析不同林龄刺槐林林下植物的群落物种组成及功能多样性的差异与动态变化。结果显示:(1)林下草地植物群落主要以菊科、蔷薇科多年生杂类草为主,随林龄的增加,以菊科为主的植物群落逐渐演替为以禾本科为主的植物群落,双子叶植物数目逐渐减少,单子叶植物数目逐渐增加。(2)除群落总盖度外,林下植物群落各数量特征随林龄的增加而增加。(3)Rao二次熵指数随林龄的增加而逐渐降低,功能丰富度指数、功能均匀度指数和功能离散度指数随林龄的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,功能多样性动态变化主要归因于群落地上生物量及植物叶片面积和质量的改变。


    Abstract: Dynamic changes in community species composition and functional diversity reflect the current status of a population and future trends of community succession. In this study, grassland vegetation under Robinia pseudoacacia L. stands with different ages was investigated to determine the characteristics of understory plant communities and plant functional traits. Results showed that the grassland understory was mainly composed of perennial weeds of Compositae and Rosaceae. With the increase in recovery period, the plant community gradually changed from one dominated by Compositae to one dominated by Gramineae. Furthermore, dicots gradually declined and monocots gradually increased. Except for total community coverage, the quantitative characteristics of the community showed a significant increase with restoration period. In addition, Rao’s quadratic entropy gradually decreased, while Functional richness (FRic), Functional evenness (FEve), and Functional divergence (FDiv) increased at first and then decreased with recovery years. Biomass and leaf traits became the main factors affecting functional diversity changes.


