

Responses of plant diversity to seasonal changes in the lakeside wetland of Bosten Lake

  • 摘要: 研究生物多样性对季节的响应对于维持生态系统稳定、保护生物多样性、解析群落构建机制具有重要意义。本文以博斯腾湖湖滨湿地为研究对象,探究不同季节植物群落的物种多样性与功能多样性的变化规律。结果显示:(1)物种多样性指数随季节变化没有显著改变;功能多样性指数中,功能丰富度由春季到夏季逐渐减小,功能离散度逐渐增大;不同季节的功能均匀度差异性不显著;(2)植物功能性状在不同季节间差异显著;春季叶绿素含量显著低于夏季;夏季比叶面积和叶干物质含量显著高于秋季;叶片含水量和厚度由春季到秋季呈递增趋势;(3)影响Pielou指数和功能丰富度的主要环境因子分别为土壤铵态氮和速效磷;影响Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和功能均匀度的主要环境因子为土壤有机质;影响功能离散度的主要环境因子为土壤含水量;(4)影响最大株高的主要环境因子为土壤 pH值;影响叶干物质含量的主要环境因子为土壤速效钾;影响叶片厚度和比叶面积的主要环境因子为土壤总磷;而影响叶片含水量的主要环境因子为土壤硝态氮;叶绿素含量与土壤因子无显著相关关系。


    Abstract: Studying the response of biodiversity to seasonal changes is important for maintaining ecosystem stability, protecting biodiversity, and analyzing community construction mechanisms. Here, we explored changes in species and functional diversity of plant communities in the Bosten Lake wetlands in different seasons. Results showed that: (1) the species diversity index did not change significantly with season. For the functional diversity index, functional richness gradually decreased from spring to summer, functional dispersion gradually increased, and functional uniformity showed no significant difference in different seasons. (2) Significant differences were found in plant functional traits in different seasons. Chlorophyll content was significantly lower in spring than in summer; specific leaf area and dry matter content were significantly higher in summer than in autumn; and water content and thickness of leaves increased from spring to autumn. (3) The main environmental factors affecting the Pielou index and functional richness were soil ammonium nitrogen and available phosphorus, respectively; the main environmental factor affecting the Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, and functional uniformity was soil organic matter; and the main environmental factor affecting functional dispersion was soil water content. (4) The main environmental factors affecting maximum plant height and leaf dry matter content were soil pH and available potassium, respectively; the main environmental factor affecting leaf dry matter content was soil available potassium; the main environmental factor affecting leaf thickness and specific leaf area was soil total phosphorus; the main environmental factor affecting leaf water content was soil nitrate nitrogen; and chlorophyll content and soil factors showed no significant correlation.


