

Distribution and status of three endangered mangrove plants of the genus Sonneratia

  • 摘要: 通过文献查阅和访问咨询,结合野外调查,对3种海桑属(Sonneratia)濒危红树植物的资源分布和濒危现状进行了初步研究。结果显示:卵叶海桑(Sonneratia ovata Backer)有2个自然居群和3个人工居群,个体数量分别为231和38棵;海南海桑(S. × hainanensis W. C. Ko, E.Y. Chen & W.Y. Chen)有4个自然居群和2个人工居群,个体数量分别为139和11棵;拟海桑(S. × gulngai N. C. Duke & B. R. Jackes)有4个自然居群和3个人工居群,个体数量分别为345和12棵;它们的自然居群更新能力都极差,人工种群也均未见新生个体。气候变化和人为干扰是种群规模急剧减小的直接原因,自身更新困难是种群规模难以恢复的制约因素。因此,建议在天然种群就地保护的基础上,优化迁地保护策略,加强人工辅助育种研究,加快突破育种难题,并科学抚育野外回归种群,以保证其种群的正常更新。


    Abstract: Sonneratia is the most endangered genus of mangrove plants in China. Among the six existing mangrove species in Sonneratia, S. ovata Backer, S. × hainanensis W.C. Ko, E.Y. Chen & W.Y. Chen, and S. × gulngai N.C. Duke & B.R. Jackes are all critically endangered. In this paper, we explored the distribution and status of these three Sonneratia mangrove plants based on literature review and field investigation. Results identified two natural and three artificial populations of S. ovata, with 231 and 38 individuals, respectively; four natural and two artificial populations of S. × hainanensis, with 139 and 11 individuals, respectively; and four natural and three artificial populations of S. × gulngai, with 345 and 12 individuals, respectively. The natural regeneration ability of the populations was extremely poor, with no new individuals in the artificial populations. Climate change and human disturbance are the main reasons for the decrease in Sonneratia species, and poor self-regeneration is a limiting factor for population size recovery. To strengthen in situ protection, ex situ conservation strategies should be optimized, artificial breeding research should be strengthened, breakthroughs in breeding difficulties should be accelerated, and returning populations should be scientifically cultivated to ensure normal population development.


