To explore the construction process of the bamboo ramet system and its relationship with artificial management, we conducted pot experiments with mother bamboo (
Phyllostachys praecox C. D. Chu et C. S. Chao 'Prevernalis’) at different ages and under different mulching soils and compared growth differences of rhizome branches of bamboo seedlings. Results showed that during ramet system construction in the potted seedlings, the development of bamboo rhizome branches was dominant. The number of rhizome branches in 2-year-old mother bamboo potted seedlings was generally higher than that of 1-year-old potted seedlings, and rhizome branches decreased with the increase in soil mulch period. The rhizome branches of potted seedlings were mainly distributed in the middle of the bamboo rhizome at the Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ branching grades. The rhizome branch of 1-year-old potted seedlings was more in the middle and tip of the rhizome at the Ⅱ branching grade, but more in the middle and tip of the rhizome at the Ⅲ branching grade in the 2-year-old potted seedlings. With the increase in soil mulch period, the rhizome branches tended to be distributed at the front branchings. Thus, expansion of underground branches was the main strategy used in ramet system construction in the potted seedlings. Branch growth in the 2-year-old mother bamboo and lateral buds in the middle of the bamboo rhizome greatly contributed to ramet system expansion. The longer the bamboo forest soil was mulched, the less conducive it was to rhizome branching. As the bamboo ramet system exhibited spatiotemporal expansion, the growth characteristics of rhizome branches need to be continuously observed.