

Population structure and dynamic characteristics of extremely small populations of Changiostyrax dolichocarpa C. J. Qi

  • 摘要: 本研究对分布于湖南桑植和石门、湖北五峰和秭归4个现存区域的极小种群野生植物长果安息香(Changiostyrax dolichocarpa C. J. Qi)群落进行了调查,并绘制种群结构图,建立静态生命表,绘制存活曲线进行生存分析,利用时间序列预测分析种群未来发展趋势。结果显示:桑植、石门和五峰种群均属增长型,秭归种群属衰退型,这4个区域长果安息香种群对外界干扰均具有较高的敏感性;存活曲线都趋向于Deevey-Ⅱ型,死亡率在前期相对稳定,但后期逐渐上升;生存分析结果表明,桑植和秭归种群较早进入衰退期,主要受环境压力的影响,石门和五峰种群进入衰退期相对较晚,主要受生理衰退的影响;时间序列分析显示,在未来2 ~ 8个龄级时间内,桑植、石门和五峰种群的幼龄个体数量会减少,中老龄个体数量会增加,秭归种群幼龄和中龄个体逐渐减少,老龄个体先增加后逐渐减少,须采取适当的抚育措施,以避免种群衰退。针对长果安息香的生存现状,建议加强对原生境的保护和人工繁殖技术的研究,以促进种群数量的稳定增长。


    Abstract: We investigated the communities of Changiostyrax dolichocarpa C. J. Qi, a wild plant with extremely small populations distributed in four extant regions of China (Sangzhi, Shimen, Wufeng, and Zigui). We first constructed a population structure map and established a static life table, then plotted survival curves for survival analysis and predicted future development trends of the populations using time series analysis. Results showed that the Sangzhi, Shimen, and Wufeng populations were all increasing, but the Zigui population was declining. However, all four populations were sensitive to external disturbance. The population survival curves tended to be Deevey-Ⅱ type, showing a decrease in the early stage, stabilization in the middle stage, and recession in the late stage. Survival analysis showed that the Sangzhi and Zigui populations entered the declining stage early, mainly due to environmental pressure, while the Shimen and Wufeng populations entered the declining stage relatively late, mainly due to physiological decline. Time series analysis indicated that the number of young individuals in the Sangzhi, Shimen, and Wufeng populations will decrease, while the number of middle-aged and old individuals will increase in the future 2-8 age classes. For the Zigui population, the number of young and middle-aged individuals will gradually decrease, while the number of old individuals will first increase and then decrease. Results suggest that strengthening the protection of the original habitat and research on artificial propagation technology may help promote population growth.


