

Effects of different storage temperature on fruit quality and storability of Actinidia arguta (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. 'Mizao 1'

  • 摘要: 为了探究不同贮藏温度对软枣猕猴桃(Actinidia arguta (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq.)品种'猕枣1号’采后生理、品质和贮藏性的影响,比较分析了'猕枣1号’果实在常温贮藏(20℃,85%相对湿度)和低温贮藏(1.5℃,90%相对湿度)过程中果实硬度、无损压力硬度、可溶性固形物、失重率、可溶性总糖、总酸和维生素C等指标的变化,同时对低温贮藏6周结束时和转入20℃货架期3 d后的果实贮藏病害进行了评价。结果显示,贮藏温度对果实软化和贮藏期限、失重率、内在品质均有较大影响。在20℃贮藏过程中,果实软化较快,贮藏7 d后果实可食,贮藏12 d后果实过熟;果实失重率和可溶性总糖含量均随贮藏时间的延长而逐渐增加,至12 d时分别达到7.17%和9.60%;而总酸和维生素C含量在贮藏前期基本稳定。在1.5℃贮藏过程中,果实软化较慢,至贮藏4周后才开始快速软化,至6周时果实硬度仍有4.60 N,但是20℃货架3 d后果实过熟;果实日失重速率远低于常温贮藏,以致于贮藏6周后果实失重率仅为3.0%;可溶性总糖变化与常温下相似,但货架结束后的总糖含量(10.73%)略高于常温贮藏,总酸和维生素C含量呈逐渐轻微下降的趋势。低温贮藏6周时,果实腐烂率仅为6.7%,但货架期3 d后急剧上升到81.7%,同时所有果实表现出不同程度的皱缩,但无冷害发生。研究结果表明'猕枣1号’采后应该全程冷链物流,以保证果实品质,减少采后损失。


    Abstract: To explore the effects of different storage temperature on post-harvest physiology, quality, and storability of Actinidia arguta 'Mizao 1', changes in fruit firmness, non-destructive compression force, soluble solids content, weight loss, and soluble sugar, total acidity, and vitamin C content were investigated in fruit stored at room temperature (20℃, 85% relative humidity) for up to 12 days and at low temperature (1.5℃, 90% relative humidity) for up to six weeks, followed by three days of shelf life at 20℃. Diseases in fruit at the end of cold storage and shelf life were also evaluated. Results indicated that different storage temperatures had significant effects on fruit softening, weight loss, and internal quality. During the storage period at 20℃, the fruit softened quickly, and fruit firmness declined rapidly from day 1, reaching 2.38 N after seven days when the fruit became edible and 0.99 N after 12 days of storage when the fruit became over-ripe. Both fruit weight loss and soluble sugar content increased gradually with storage time, reaching 7.17% and 9.60% at the end of storage, respectively. Total acidity and vitamin C content stabilized in the early stage of storage but increased slightly in the late stage. During the storage period at 1.5℃, fruit softened slowly, and firmness dropped to 14.61 N (26.4% decrease) after four weeks of storage, then rapidly decreased to 4.60 N after six weeks. After three days of shelf life at 20℃, the fruit became over-ripe, and firmness further decreased to 0.88 N. The fruit weight loss rate per day was much lower than that at room temperature storage, leading to a very low level of weight loss (3.0%) after six weeks of storage. The change in soluble sugar content was similar to that at room temperature storage, but total sugar content after shelf life was slightly higher (10.73%) than that at the end of room temperature storage. Total acidity and vitamin C content decreased slightly and was generally lower than that during room temperature storage. At the end of cold storage, the fruit decay rate was 6.7%, but increased sharply to 81.7% at the end of shelf-life storage. All fruit showed shriveling to different extents, but no chilling injury. These findings suggest that whole cold chain logistics should be carried out to ensure fruit quality and reduce post-harvest loss for 'Mizao 1'.


