

Dynamic changes in fruit growth and development of Actinidia ‘Jinyuan’ in two regions

  • 摘要: 以丹江口和武汉两个地区生产的猕猴桃(Actinidia)品种‘金圆’为研究对象,对果实单果重、纵横侧径、干物质、可溶性固形物、硬度、果肉颜色、可溶性总糖和总酸等指标进行了测定与分析。结果显示:两地果实的纵横侧径和单果重均表现出快速增长-缓慢增长-增长停滞的变化趋势,其中盛花期后57 d内为快速增长阶段。干物质、可溶性固形物、果肉颜色和硬度等果实成熟度指标在两个地区生长期内均表现出高度相似的变化趋势,但是武汉产的果实干物质含量略低于丹江口果实,其硬度又高于丹江口果实。干物质至盛花期后135 d时上升至初步稳定水平;可溶性固形物和可溶性总糖均在盛花期后127 d才开始快速上升,至盛花期后148 d时分别达到约8%和3.5%;果实硬度和果肉颜色均表现为逐渐下降的趋势,其中果实硬度至盛花期后168 d开始急剧下降,果肉颜色至盛花期后155 d下降至103 °hue。综合考虑,‘金圆’果实的适宜采收期应该从盛花期后150 ~ 155 d开始。


    Abstract: To elucidate the growth and development of the Actinidia cultivar ‘Jinyuan’ and thus provide guidelines for the development of supported cultivation technology and determination of proper harvest time, fruit grown in the Danjiangkou (DJK) and Wuhan (WH) orchards were regularly measured and analyzed in regard to fruit weight, size, dry matter, soluble solids concentration (SSC), firmness, flesh color, soluble sugar, and total acidity. Results indicated that the size (vertical, horizontal, and lateral diameter) and weight of the fruit grown in both orchards showed a rapid-slow-cease growth trend, and the rapid growth stage mainly occurred within 57 d after full bloom (DAFB). Maturity indices, including dry matter, SSC, flesh color, and firmness, revealed strongly similar patterns during the whole growth period in both orchards, although dry matter was slightly lower and firmness was slightly higher in fruit from WH than from DJK. Dry matter increased to a primary plateau at 135 DAFB. Both SSC and soluble sugar began to increase rapidly from 127 DAFB and reached 8% and 3.5%, respectively, at 148 DAFB. Both fruit firmness and flesh color gradually declined with growth time, with firmness beginning to decline largely at 168 DAFB and flesh color decreasing to 103° hue at 155 DAFB. Taken together, ‘Jinyuan’ fruit should be properly harvested at 150–155 DAFB.


