

Research on the seed anatomy and germination technology of Vitex agnus-castus L.

  • 摘要: 穗花牡荆(Vitex agnus-castus L.)是观赏价值极高的夏秋开花植物,其种子繁殖困难。本研究利用石蜡切片技术,观察穗花牡荆的种实结构,同时应用多种催芽技术,探求穗花牡荆最佳的萌发方式。结果显示,穗花牡荆具有坚硬的内果皮,且种实败育率较高。实验的催芽方法中,浓硫酸浸种20 min后再用600 mg/L赤霉素浸种24 h的组合效果最好,能够显著将发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数分别提高到10%、14.44%和1.09。


    Abstract: Vitex agnus-castus L. is a highly ornamental and important summer and autumn flowering plant used to enrich urban landscapes. However, there is a serious shortage of seedlings in the market and seed propagation is difficult. In this paper, we used paraffin sectioning to observe the fruit and seed structure of V. agnus-castus and applied various germination techniques to determine the most effective method for seed germination. Results showed that V. agnus-castus possesses a hard endocarp and exhibits a high seed abortion rate. Among the various germination methods, treating the fruit with concentrated sulphuric acid for 20 min followed by soaking in 600 mg/L GA3 for 24 h proved to be the most efficient, leading to a substantial increase in germination potential, germination rate, and germination index to 10%, 14.44%, and 1.09, respectively.


