

Effects of fallen flower and leaf litter ratios on the decomposition of Robinia pseudoacacia L. forest litter in hilly regions of the Loess Plateau

  • 摘要: 落花是森林凋落物的重要组成部分,明确其在林地凋落物混合分解中的作用有助于理解和预测林地养分的循环过程。本研究以林龄为33 a的刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)人工林产生的落花、凋落叶以及落花占比分别为30%、20%、10%和5%的花叶混合凋落物为对象,使用微生物接种法,在室内控制条件下(20℃~25℃、避光恒湿)进行为期62 d的早期分解实验,研究不同比例花叶混合凋落物的分解速率以及碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)释放速率的影响。结果显示:(1)落花比例达到10%时,花叶混合凋落物的分解速率显著高于纯叶凋落物,且当落花比例提高到20%~30%时,混合凋落物的分解速率再次显著提高,但花叶混合并未对凋落物的分解速率产生显著的非加和效应。(2)混合物中落花比例为10%~20%时,其C、N释放率显著高于纯凋落叶,且随落花所占比例增加,上述元素的释放呈加速趋势。实验前期高落花比例混合凋落物的P释放率普遍高于纯凋落叶或低落花比例混合凋落物,而在后期则呈相反的规律。花叶混合分解倾向于对凋落物的C和N释放产生协同促进,且该效应随落花比例的增加而增强,而对凋落物的P释放产生拮抗抑制作用,且该效应随落花比例的增加先减弱后增强。


    Abstract: Fallen flowers are an important component of forest litter and clarifying their role in the mixed decomposition of forest litter is important for understanding and forecasting the nutrient cycle in forests. In the present study, fallen flowers and leaf litter produced from a 33-year Robinia pseudoacacia L. plantation were collected. Pure leaf litter and mixed litter (leaves with flowers at proportions of 30%, 20%, 10%, and 5%) were incubated for 62 d to conduct an early-stage decomposition test using soil microbial infection under controlled conditions (20℃–25℃, photophobic, constant humidity). The decomposition rate and carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) release rates of the leaf litter and flower mixtures were investigated. Results indicated that: (1) When the proportion of flowers reached 10%, the decomposition rate of the mixed litter was significantly higher than that of the pure leaf litter, and when the proportion reached 20%–30%, the decomposition rate was significantly higher again. However, the mixing of leaves and flowers did not have a significant non-additive effect on decomposition. (2) When the proportion of flowers in the mixture was 10%–20%, the C and N release rates were significantly higher than that of pure leaf litter. In addition, the C and N release rates tended to increase with an increasing proportion of flowers. During the early stages of decomposition, the P release rates tended to be significantly higher for the mixtures with higher flower proportions than those with lower flower proportions or pure leaf litter but exhibited the opposite trend with increasing decomposition. The mixed decomposition of leaf litter and flowers tended to promote C and N release synergistically, showing an increased tendency with increasing proportion of flowers. However, mixed decomposition had an antagonistic inhibitory effect on P release from litter, showing a weakened then enhanced trend with increasing proportion of flowers.


