

Analysis of fruit quality and sensory evaluation of 36 kiwifruit (Actinidia) germplasm accessions

  • 摘要: 以湖北省丹江口市同一猕猴桃(Actinidia)资源圃内的36份不同种质,包括:7个美味猕猴桃(变种)(A. chinensis var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev.)、16个中华猕猴桃(原变种)(A. chinensis var. chinensis Planch.)、9个山梨猕猴桃(A. rufa (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. ex Mi.) × 中华猕猴桃和4个中华猕猴桃 × ‘超红’猕猴桃(A. eriantha Benth. × A. chinensis var. chinensis Planch.)的果实为研究对象,在可溶性固形物 ≥ 7.0%时采收,测定果实采收成熟度和软熟内在品质指标,并分析果实感官评价及其与内在品质的相关性。结果显示,36份猕猴桃种质果实品质性状表现出明显的差异性,尤其是单果重和维生素C(Vc)含量,其变异系数分别为43.61%和103.16%。这与山梨 × 中华及中华 × ‘超红’种类有关,两个种类均为小果型(< 45 g);前者Vc含量最低(39.89 mg/100 g),后者最高(466.27 mg/100 g)。36份软熟果实样本中可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖和总酸的平均值分别为14.70%、8.96%和1.24%,其中可溶性固形物在美味种类中的平均值最高,最低为中华 × ‘超红’种类。果实感官评价在不同样本之间也表现出明显的差异性,就种类而言,山梨 × 中华的感官评价质量略高于其他种类。整体喜好度与风味喜好度、甜度紧密正相关(Pearson r ≥ 0.94),而与酸度有一定程度的负相关(r = −0.53)。可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖与整体喜好度的相关性明显高于总酸,但Vc与整体喜好度则无相关性。


    Abstract: Thirty-six different accessions of kiwifruit (Actinidia), including seven Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) A. Chev., 16 A. chinensis var chinensis Planch., nine A. rufa (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. ex Mi. × A. chinensis var. chinensis Planch., and four A. chinensis var. chinensis × ‘Chaohong’ (A. eriantha Benth. × A. chinensis var. chinensis Planch.) grown in a same kiwifruit germplasm garden in Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province, were used as study materials. The fruits were harvested once soluble solids content (SSC) reached 7.0%. Fruit maturity at harvest and internal quality of ripe fruit were measured, and sensory evaluation and correlation with internal qualities were also analyzed. Results indicated significant differences in fruit quality traits among the 36 accessions, particularly fruit fresh weight and vitamin C (Vc) content, which had the highest coefficients of variation (43.61% and 103.16%, respectively). The significant variations were associated with samples from the A. rufa × A. chinensis and A. chinensis × ‘Chaohong’ groups. These two groups had small fruit size (< 45 g of average fresh weight), with the former having the lowest level of Vc (39.89 mg/100 g) and the latter having the highest (466.27 mg/100 g). Average SSC, soluble sugar, and total acidity of the 36 kiwifruit accessions were 14.70%, 8.96%, and 1.24%, respectively, and average SSC was highest in the A. chinensis var. deliciosa group and lowest in the A. chinensis × ‘Chaohong’ group. The sensory evaluation scores also revealed significant differences among samples, with the A. rufa × A. chinensis group showing the best sensory qualities. Overall liking was highly positively correlated with flavor liking and sweetness (Pearson r ≥ 0.94), but negatively correlated with acidity (r = −0.53). Overall liking revealed a higher correlation with sweetness indices (SSC and soluble sugar) than the acidity index (total acidity), but no clear correlation with Vc.


