

Research progress on the genetic regulatory mechanism of flowering in Chrysanthemum

  • 摘要: 开花是植物发育过程中一个关键的质变过程,是植物从营养生长向生殖生长阶段的转变。对于观赏植物来说,开花的早晚决定了其市场应用和经济价值。植物开花受到内外信号的复杂调控,基于模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh)的研究,目前已经阐明了6条主要的开花调控途径,这些途径彼此独立又互相交叉,形成复杂的遗传调控网络。菊花(Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat)作为起源于中国的世界名花,是世界花卉市场的重要一员,但因其是典型的短日照植物,不仅增加了生产中开花期调控成本,也限制了菊花的应用范围。本文以高等植物开花遗传调控网络为基础,综述了菊花开花遗传调控机制的研究进展,以期为菊花开花时间改良育种工作提供理论指导,同时也为解析高等植物开花机制提供新见解。


    Abstract: Flowering represents a critical transition in plant development, shifting from the vegetative to reproductive growth stages. In ornamental plants, the timing of flowering significantly impacts marketability and economic value. Plant flowering is regulated by complex internal and external signals. Studies on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have identified six primary pathways related to flowering regulation. These independent but intersecting pathways form a complex genetic regulatory network. Chrysanthemum × morifolium, a famous flower originating from China, holds a considerable share of the world flower market. However, its typical short-day flowering requirements not only increase production costs but also limit its application scope. Based on the flowering regulatory networks of higher plants, this review discusses current research progress on the genetic regulatory mechanisms underlying chrysanthemum flowering, thus providing theoretical guidance for the breeding and improvement of flowering time, as well as new insights into the flowering mechanisms of higher plants.


