

Additions to the liverworts in Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 通过对新疆大学植物标本馆馆藏的部分苔类植物标本进行重新整理和鉴定,发现中国新记录种1种—特氏拟大萼苔(新拟)(Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) Müll. Frib.),新疆新记录科2科—挺叶苔科和隐蒴苔科,新疆新记录属3属—卷叶苔属(Anastrepta)、柱萼苔属(Alobiellopsis)和对耳苔属(Syzygiella),新疆新记录种4种—卷叶苔(Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook) Schiffn.)、圆叶羽苔(Plagiochila duthiana Steph.)、柱萼苔(Alobiellopsis parvifolia (Steph.) R. M. Schust.)和筒萼对耳苔(Syzygiella autumnalis (DC.) K. Feldberg, Váňa, Hentschel & Heinrichs)。本文对上述5个种的形态特征和地理分布等进行了详细的描述,并提供了显微形态图版。本研究丰富了我国的苔类植物资料。


    Abstract: A re-examination of liverwort specimens deposited at the Herbarium of Xinjiang University uncovered several notable additions. One species, Cephaloziella turneri (Hook.) Müll. Frib., represents a new record to China. Additionally, two families (Anastrophyllaceae and Adelanthaceae), three genera (Anastrepta, Alobiellopsis, and Syzygiella), and four species (Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook) Schiffn., Plagiochila duthiana Steph., Alobiellopsis parvifolius (Steph.) R.M. Schust., and Syzygiella autumnalis (DC.) K. Feldberg, Váňa, Hentschel & Heinrichs) were identified as new records to Xinjiang. This paper details the morphological characteristics and geographical distribution of the above five species, with provision of micromorphology plates. Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the liverwort flora of Xinjiang and China.


