

Niche and interspecific linkage of dominant herbaceous plants in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River wetlands in Henan

  • 摘要: 本研究以河南黄河中游及下游湿地为研究区,对区内19种优势草本植物的生态位与种间联结性进行分析,以期对黄河中游、下游湿地的生态恢复和科学治理提供依据。结果显示,研究区共调查到116种草本植物,其中19种优势草本植物种间生态位差异较大。黄河中游、下游湿地总体联结性呈显著正联结;黄河中游和下游AC值≥0.4的均为2对,优势种种间联结性较弱,物种独立性较强。研究结果表明,黄河湿地植物群落总体呈现正向演替,但这种演替不稳定,还处于初级阶段。在生态修复过程中可以优先考虑具有较高生态位宽度且适应性强的植物,如芦苇(Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.)、香附子(Cyperus rotundus L.)作为先锋植物以加快演替进程。


    Abstract: This study focused on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River wetlands in Henan Province, analyzing the ecological niche and interspecific associations among 19 dominant herbaceous plant species in the area to provide a basis for the ecological restoration and scientific management of these wetlands. Results showed that a total of 116 herbaceous plant species were surveyed in the area, with significant differences in ecological niches observed among the 19 dominant herbaceous plant species. Overall, there was a significant positive correlation in interspecific associations in the wetlands, identifying two pairs of species that exhibited AC values≥0.4 in both the middle and lower reaches. The interspecific associations among dominant species were weak, indicating strong species independence. These findings suggest that the wetland plant communities in the Yellow River region are undergoing positive succession, but the process is unstable and still in the early stages. Regarding ecological restoration, it is recommended to prioritize pioneer plants with high ecological niche breadth and strong adaptability, such as Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. and Cyperus rotundus L., to accelerate the succession process.


