

Interspecific association and community stability analysis of dominant trees and shrubs in the companion community of Camellia flavida Hung T. Chang

  • 摘要: 为阐明原生境条件下淡黄金花茶(Camellia flavida Hung T. Chang)伴生群落的物种联结关系及其对群落稳定性的影响,基于弄岗保护区的10个600 m2样方间隔10年(2011-2021年)的每木调查数据,采用方差比率法(VR)、\chi^2 检验、Spearman秩相关检验和M.Godron稳定性等方法,分析淡黄金花茶与群落不同层次优势物种的种间联结性及群落稳定性的动态变化。结果显示:(1)乔木层优势物种间的总体联结性呈不显著负联结,灌木层优势物种间呈显著正联结,随着时间的变化,乔木层的总体联结性趋于正联结,灌木层的正联结程度有所增加;(2)\chi^2 检验与Spearman秩相关检验结果均表明群落大多数种对间呈不显著联结关系,种间联结较为松散,相关性较弱。其中,淡黄金花茶与乔木层的苹果榕(Ficus oligodon Miq.)、灌木层的广西澄广花(Orophea polycarpa A. Candolle)等优势种表现出显著正相关,但与乔木层的对叶榕(Ficus hispida L. f.)、灌木层的日本五月茶(Antidesma japonicum Siebold & Zucc.)等优势种呈显著负相关;(3)淡黄金花茶伴生群落稳定性较高,并且群落特征及稳定性对淡黄金花茶种群的保育起到了积极的作用。研究结果说明,淡黄金花茶伴生群落的部分优势乔灌木对淡黄金花茶的分布有重要影响,10年间伴生群落整体较稳定,淡黄金花茶数量有所增长,应继续加强原生境的保护和群落长期动态监测。


    Abstract: To investigate species associations within the Camellia flavida Hung T. Chang associated community under natural conditions and their impact on community stability, survey data collected from 10 quadrats (600 m2) in Nonggang Nature Reserve over 10 years (2011–2021) were analyzed. Variance ratio (VR), Chi-square (\chi^2 ) test, Spearman rank correlation, and M. Godron stability analysis were employed to assess the interspecific correlation and community structure stability of C. flavida and its accompanying species at different levels. Results indicated that: (1) Dominant species in the tree layer did not exhibit negative associations, while those in the shrub layer displayed significantly positive associations. Over time, the overall interspecific associations of the tree layer shifted towards positive associations, and the positive interactions in the shrub layer notably increased. (2) The \chi^2 and Spearman rank correlation tests indicated that most species pairs in the community were not significantly correlated, reflecting weak associations among various species pairs. However, C. flavida exhibited significantly positive correlations with dominant species, such as Ficus oligodon Miq. in the tree layer and Orophea polycarpa A. Candolle in the shrub layer, and significantly negative correlations with F. hispida L. f. in the tree layer and Antidesma japonicum Siebold & Zucc in the shrub layer. (3) The community associated with C. flavida demonstrated high stability, with the characteristics and stability of the community positively contributing to the conservation of C. flavida. In conclusion, specific dominant trees and shrubs significantly affect the distribution of C. flavida within its community, which has maintained relative stability over the last decade, facilitating the growth of the C. flavida population. Ongoing protection of its natural habitats and sustained long-term community monitoring are recommended.


