

Advances in the study and utilization of Miscanthus resources

  • 摘要: 芒属(Miscanthus)植物(又称芒草)是极具开发潜力的第二代能源作物之一,其生物质产量、抗逆性和生态功能等方面表现优异。我国具有丰富的芒属植物野生种质资源,为芒草资源开发和利用提供了有利条件。近年来,芒属植物的资源价值日益受到重视,其资源的收集、研究以及开发和利用进入了快速发展阶段。本文简要分析了芒属物种的分类现状及其存在的问题,介绍了各物种的地理分布和基本生物学特点;初步概括了迄今对芒属植物资源开展的多方面研究,包括:开花物候和交配系统、群体遗传变异和适应性分化、杂交和多倍化以及在资源利用和遗传改良方面取得的进展。最后,本文展望了芒属植物资源基础研究和产业化发展的前景,并提出了在芒属野生资源研究和利用中存在的问题及其可能的解决办法。


    Abstract: As second-generation energy plants, Miscanthus species exhibit great potential in the development of renewable energy crops due to their high biomass and adaptability to a wide range of environments and soil conditions. China hosts a substantial variety of wild Miscanthus species, providing a unique opportunity for their development and utilization. In this review, we briefly introduce the current state and challenges in the taxonomy of the Miscanthus genus and provide an overview regarding the geographical distribution and biological features of Miscanthus species. We also provide a summary of recent studies focusing on flowering phenology, mating systems, population genetic variation, adaptive differentiation, hybridization, polyploidy, resource utilization, and genetic improvement. Finally, we identify potential challenges and outline future research directions, including basic studies for the utilization, exploitation, and industrialization of Miscanthus resources.


