

Comparative proteomics analysis of developing buds in Brassica napus L.

  • 摘要: 甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)是我国目前的主栽油菜类型,其花蕾发育包含一系列复杂的代谢和调控过程,尤其是小孢子成熟前的早期发育过程对油菜育性影响较大。本研究首先通过组织形态学观察,确定甘蓝型油菜花蕾大小在1~3 mm时期,对应于雄蕊发育的5~9期。利用高通量的HPLC-MS/MS质谱测序技术,对该发育时段的花蕾进行蛋白质组学分析,共鉴定到13 444 个蛋白,比较各时期鉴定到的蛋白筛选出613 个差异表达蛋白。对差异蛋白的功能进行分析,发现细胞壁建成、脂质代谢、细胞转运相关蛋白大量上调,这将有利于花蕾发育过程中的细胞建成和花粉发育;核酸相关蛋白表达与含量变化迅速,这与该时段细胞的急剧分裂与生长的代谢过程一致;而ABCDE发育模型相关蛋白的表达未发生显著变化,可能具有除诱导花蕾分化外的其他功能。研究结果说明油菜花蕾发育早期细胞代谢旺盛,大量代谢相关蛋白发生了显著变化,这将为进一步分析花蕾发育过程中的代谢及调控过程提供基础。


    Abstract: Brassica napus L., the predominant variant of rapeseed cultivated in China, undergoes a series of complex metabolic and regulatory processes during flower bud development, especially the early developmental stages preceding microspore maturation, which significantly impacts fertility. Based on phenotypic and histological observations, flower bud sizes ranging from 1 mm to 3 mm in B. napus were found to correspond to the 5th–9th stages of angiosperm stamen development. Using high-throughput high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) sequencing technology, proteomics analysis was conducted on these flower buds. In total, 13 444 proteins were identified, including 613 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). Functional analysis of the DEPs revealed a significant up-regulation in cell wall building, lipid metabolism, and cell transport-related proteins, crucial for cell development and pollen formation during the early stage of flower bud development. The expression of nucleic acid-related proteins markedly changed, consistent with rapid cell division and growth during this period. However, no significant changes were found in the expression of proteins related to the ABCDE development model, suggesting these proteins may have other functions beyond inducing flower bud differentiation. This study systematically studied the differences in tissue morphology and protein expression during the early stages of bud development in B. napus, paving the way for further research on the metabolism and regulation of flower bud development.


