

Potential selection driving evolution of long corolla tubes and case studies

  • 摘要: 多样的花冠形态具有保护花内性器官、吸引传粉者等多种作用,管状花的出现被认为是花瓣演化的一个变革性事件。自达尔文以来,学者们试图回答的一个经典问题是:长花冠管的演化是否由传粉者口器与花冠管之间长度的“军备竞赛”引起?人们已在长花冠管的多个类群中开展了实验,试图寻找交互选择引起的动植物之间协同演化的证据。本文总结了影响植物花冠管长演化的生物因素和非生物因素,探讨了传粉者、盗蜜者、植食者、光照、水分等因素在花冠管长演化中扮演的角色,重点梳理了传粉者介导花冠管长演化的4个潜在路径,以期为进一步探究植物花冠管长度的演化提供新的思路和方向。


    Abstract: Diverse corolla morphologies are thought to function in protecting sexual organs within flowers and attracting pollinators. The transition from open to tubular flowers is considered a key innovation in the evolution of corollas. A classic question that scholars have tried to answer since Darwin is: was the evolution of long corolla tubes caused by an arms-race relationship between the proboscis of the pollinator and the length of the corolla tube? Phenotypic manipulations have been conducted across multiple species with long corolla tubes to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the co-evolution between flowers and their interacting animal agents, driven by reciprocal selection. In this review, we summarize both the biotic and abiotic factors affecting corolla tube length, including the effects of pollinators, nectar robbers, and herbivores, as well as environmental factors like light and water availability. Moreover, we propose four potential evolutionary pathways for the development of pollinator-mediated long-tubed corollas. This review aims to provide insights and guidance for future studies on the evolution of tubular flowers.


