

Application and prospects of landscape genomics in conservation biology

  • 摘要: 生物多样性是人类生存与发展的基础,全球气候的快速波动正对生物多样性造成严重威胁。保护生物学旨在研究全球生物多样性面临的危机及如何更加有效地进行生物多样性保护。景观基因组学(Landscape genomics)研究通过解析基因型与环境因子之间的关联性,揭示物种响应气候变化的适应性遗传变异与适应性进化,推动了保护生物学的快速发展。本文简要阐述了景观基因组学解析物种适应性遗传变异空间分布格局的主要研究方法,总结了近年来景观基因组学方法在动植物保护研究中的应用案例,并针对景观基因组学方法在保护生物学研究中存在的问题及未来研究方向提出了建议。


    Abstract: Biodiversity serves as the foundation of human survival and development yet faces significant threats from rapid global climate fluctuations. Conservation biology seeks to address this global biodiversity crisis by developing more effective conservation strategies. By analyzing the relationship between genotypes and environmental factors, landscape genomics can reveal the adaptive genetic variations and evolutionary responses of species to climate change, leading to the rapid development of conservation biology. In this review, we discuss the major methodologies used to analyze the distribution patterns of adaptive genetic variation in species. We also summarize recent findings in landscape genomics as applied to the conservation of plants and animals. Finally, we address current challenges and suggest future research directions in the use of landscape genomics for conservation biology, offering targeted recommendations.


