

Photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization strategies and their ecological adaptability in aquatic plants

  • 摘要: 水生维管植物经历了从陆生向水生的“回归”演化,这个过程伴随着周围环境的一系列巨大变化,尤其是水体中无机碳环境与陆生生境的差异赋予了水生植物光合无机碳利用策略与陆生植物截然不同的生态学意义。本文综述了以光合作用为核心的水生植物无机碳利用策略的特殊性和多样性,以及研究水生植物无机碳利用策略的意义,并展望了基于水生植物尤其是水鳖科的无机碳利用策略为核心的植物适应机制研究的优势,旨在为水生植物适应机制和适应性进化研究提供新的思考方向。


    Abstract: Aquatic vascular plants have undergone an evolutionary transition from terrestrial to aquatic habitats, necessitating substantial adaptations to their surrounding environments. In particular, the different inorganic carbon environments between underwater and terrestrial habitats confer distinct ecological significance to the photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization strategies of both plant types. This paper elucidates the particularity and diversity of inorganic carbon utilization strategies in aquatic plants and the significance of these studies. In addition, the potential advantages in studying plant adaptation mechanisms based on inorganic carbon utilization strategies in aquatic plants (especially Hydrocharitaceae) is analyzed. Overall, this paper aims to provide a novel perspective for studying the adaptative mechanisms and evolutionary processes of aquatic plants, as well as new directions for research in this field.


