

Evolutionary history of alpine plant diversity in the Pan-Tibetan Highlands

  • 摘要: 泛青藏高原地区拥有全球最丰富的高寒植物多样性,是生物多样性热点地区中的热点,也是研究地球环境演化与生物多样性演变过程的理想地区。该地区已经开展了大量谱系地理、生物地理学和进化生态学研究,对我们认识该地区的生物多样性演化及其维持机制具有重要意义。随着对青藏高原各地块构造演化历史研究的加深,该地区的生物多样性研究已经逐步迈入到地质-气候-生物过程的交叉研究。本文分析了青藏高原及其周边地区地质构造演化的最新研究进展,区分了青藏高原腹地、喜马拉雅和横断山,然后从青藏-喜马拉雅-横断山地区高寒植物多样性的起源及演化节奏、高寒植物的成分来源和区系交流以及高寒植物多样化的驱动因素等3方面总结了该地区高寒植物多样性的演化历史。最后,我们进一步提出在洲际或全球尺度上探讨不同地区高寒植物多样性演化历史的异同和联系,以及对高寒植物适应性进化策略的研究,以期深入理解高寒植物多样性分布格局的成因及其维持机制。


    Abstract: The Pan-Tibetan Highlands are a temperate biodiversity hotspot, hosting the world’s most species-rich alpine flora. Extensive phylogeographic, biogeographic, and evolutionary studies have deepened our understanding of the evolution and underlying mechanisms of biodiversity in this region. Furthermore, recent advancements in our understanding of the geological history of this region have paved the way for interdisciplinary studies integrating geological, climatic, and biological processes to elucidate regional biodiversity. In this context, we incorporate the latest geological insights into the Pan-Tibetan Highlands, distinguishing the Tibetan Plateau, the Himalaya, and the Hengduan Mountains. We review the origin and evolutionary history of alpine plant diversity in the Tibetan-Himalayan-Hengduan region, as well as the underlying abiotic and biotic drivers that may influence diversification and reproductive isolation. Finally, we propose further exploration of the evolutionary histories and biotic interchanges between different mountain ranges at intercontinental or global scales, as well as investigations into the genetic mechanisms underlying adaptive strategies in alpine plants.


