

Ecological niches and interspecific associations of dominant species within an endangered Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. community

  • 摘要: 通过对分布于山西省历山国家级自然保护区舜王坪的濒危植物手参(Gymnadenia conopsea(L.) R. Br.)所处群落进行实地调查,探讨其生存群落的生态位特征、种间关系及群落稳定性。结果显示:(1)手参生存群落植物共有48种,隶属于22科、42属,群落草本层物种丰富度高。手参种群聚集分布于小生境中,数量稀少,对生境要求较高,属于特定区域分布种;(2)手参的生态位最宽,与其他物种的重叠程度较高,物种之间竞争激烈且群落处于不稳定状态;(3)在手参的生存群落中,各物种的种间联结关系不显著,趋向于相互独立;且手参与主要草本植物物种间尚未形成稳定的种间关系,所在群落处于演替阶段的中前期,稳定性较弱,容易受到破坏而发生退化。


    Abstract: Based on an ecological survey of the endangeredGymnadenia conopsea(L.) R. Br. community distributed in Shunwangping, Lishan National Nature Reserve, Shanxi Province, China, the ecological niche characteristics, interspecific relationships, and stability of the community were explored. Results showed that: (1) The community exhibited high species richness, comprising 48 plant species from 42 genera and 22 families. As an endemic species,G. conopseaoccupied a specialized ecological niche characterized by low population density and stringent habitat requirements. (2)G. conopseademonstrated the broadest ecological niche, with a high degree of overlap with other species, leading to heightened interspecies competition and relative instability within the community. (3) In the survivingG. conopseacommunity, interspecies associations were relatively weak, indicating a tendency toward independence among species. Furthermore, the interspecific relationships among the predominant herbaceous species were not fully developed. Our findings indicate that the community is currently in an intermediate to early stage of succession, exhibiting low stability and susceptibility to potential disruption and degradation. Overall, this study highlights the interdependence and resource utilization capabilities among various species within theG. conopseacommunity.


