

Research progress on mechanisms of plant adaptation to flooding stress

  • 摘要: 涝渍胁迫是农业生产中的主要非生物逆境之一。涝渍胁迫包括渍害和涝害,通过低氧胁迫、离子毒害、能量短缺等方面抑制植物的生长发育。为了适应涝渍环境,植物在不同生态条件下形成了多样且复杂的响应和适应机制。本文综述了涝渍胁迫对植物的危害,植物适应涝渍胁迫的形态多样性与主要分子响应机制,讨论了提高植物耐涝渍性的遗传途径,以期为深入研究植物抗涝渍胁迫机制和培育抗涝渍作物提供理论指导。


    Abstract: Flooding stress constitutes a major abiotic challenge in agricultural production. Flooding stress, including waterlogging and submergence, inhibits plant growth and development through hypoxia, ion toxicity, and energy deficits. As such, plants have evolved various adaptive responses and mechanisms to counter flooding stress under diverse ecological conditions. This review discusses the detrimental effects of flooding stress on plants, as well as the morphological diversity and molecular mechanisms associated with plant adaptation to flooding stress. The genetic strategies for improving plant resistance to flooding stress are also discussed. This review aims to provide guidance for future research into the mechanisms of plant resistance to flooding stress and flooding stress-resistant crop breeding.


