

Differential responses of bumblebee diversity to plant community floral resources and surrounding landscape variables

  • 摘要: 以滇西北熊蜂多样性全球分布中心为研究区,在群落花末期选取了香格里拉市境内19个开花植物群落,深入调查了熊蜂及开花植物的多样性。本研究计算了熊蜂的多样性指数,并量化了每个植物群落景观组成和景观配置的多种变量。广义线性模型分析结果显示,总体上熊蜂的多度和物种丰富度与调查群落的花资源密切相关,而熊蜂的香农多样性指数则主要受景观尺度林地覆盖比例的影响。由于不同特性的熊蜂对群落花资源和景观特征的反应可能不同,本研究进一步对不同体型和喙长的熊蜂进行了分析。结果表明,根据飞行能力,大体型的熊蜂对周围林地和耕地覆盖比例的变化更敏感,而中小体型熊蜂更依赖调查群落里的花资源及周围生境间的连通性。从喙长来看,短喙的熊蜂主要依赖调查群落的花资源,而中长喙熊蜂由于其取食策略不同,更依赖景观尺度上的资源。研究结果阐释了花资源的可用性与景观特征对熊蜂多样性的影响式样及其潜在机制,发现飞行能力和觅食策略显著影响了不同熊蜂对环境依赖式样的差异。


    Abstract: In this study, we investigated the diversity of bumblebees and their floral resources during the late flowering season across 19 meadows near Shangri-La city in Northwest Yunnan, a renowned global biodiversity hotspot. We calculated the diversity index for bumblebees and measured several variables related to landscape structure and configuration for each meadow. Generalized linear models revealed that bumblebee abundance and species richness were primarily influenced by local floral resources, whereas the Shannon diversity index was largely determined by landscape variables, especially the percentage of woodland coverage. We further analyzed bumblebees with varying body size and tongue length, as these traits may influence responses to local and landscape variables. Notably, large-bodied bumblebees showed greater sensitivity to surrounding landscape variables in relation to flight capabilities, while small- and medium-bodied bumblebees were more dependent on local floral resources and habitat connectivity. Regarding tongue length, short-tongued bumblebees predominantly utilized local floral resources, whereas medium- and long-tongued bumblebees leveraged resources more extensively at the landscape scale, reflecting their different foraging strategies. This study illustrated the significant impact of flower availability and landscape characteristics on bumblebee diversity, highlighting how flight ability and foraging strategy profoundly influence the environmental dependence patterns of different bumblebees.


