

Identification of Artemisia argyi Lévl. et Van. and seven closely related species based on morphology and volatile composition

  • 摘要: 采用目视鉴定和气相色谱仪-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术,从形态和挥发性成分方面比较艾(Artemisia argyiLévl. et Van.)和其他7个近缘种,并利用主成分分析(PCA)与聚类分析进行系统评价。结果显示,艾的植株形态与近缘种有明显的差异,具有植株高大、香气明显、叶厚而柔韧、茎秆被短白毛且有明显纵棱纹等特点;从挥发性成分中鉴定出28种共有成分和28种特征成分,通过PCA进一步筛选出17个差异代谢物,利用聚类分析可将各物种彼此区分。本研究结果可为艾及其近缘种的鉴定提供参考。


    Abstract: In this study,Artemisia argyiLévl. et Van. and seven closely related species were comparatively analyzed in terms of morphology and volatile components using visual identification and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were employed for systematic evaluation. Results revealed significant differences in the morphology ofA. argyiand its related species, including tall plants, strong aroma, thick and flexible leaves, and longitudinally grooved stems covered in gray hairs. In total, 28 common components and 28 characteristic components were identified from the volatile components, and 17 differential metabolites were identified by PCA. Cluster analysis effectively distinguished the differentArtemisiaspecies. The results of this study provide a valuable reference for the identification ofA. argyiand its related species.


