

Studies on Genetic Relationship of Pinellia in China by SRAP Analysis

  • 摘要: 利用序列相关扩增多态性(SRAP)标记对中国半夏属植物5个种的亲缘关系进行了研究。38个引物组合在半夏属植物的5个种中共扩增出752条清晰的谱带,其中628条谱带具有多态性,多态性比率为83.51%,显示出较高的多态性比率;各物种间的遗传相似系数在0.6513~0.7312之间,聚类分析和主坐标分析结果表明,5种半夏属植物被聚为两大类:掌叶半夏单独聚为一类(Ⅱ),而其它4个种聚为一类(Ⅰ)。第Ⅰ类可再分为A和B两个亚类:A亚类包括半夏和石蜘蛛;B亚类包括盾叶半夏和滴水珠。滴水珠和盾叶半夏的亲缘关系最近,其次是半夏和石蜘蛛,而掌叶半夏和其它4个种的亲缘关系都较远,这说明掌叶半夏与半夏属其它种呈姐妹群关系。本研究结果对我国半夏属植物资源的开发利用与保护具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) was employed to analyze gene-tic relationships of 5 species of Pinellia in China. With 38 SRAP primer combinations,752 loci were identified, of which 628 were polymorphic and accounted for 83.51% of total amplified loci, showing a high polymorphism among Pinellia in China. The genetic similarity among the 5 species ranged from 0.6513 to 0.7312. Based on the results of cluster and principal coordinate analysis, the 5 species were divided into two groups. P.ternata, P.cordata, P.integrifolia, and P.peltata were clustered into group Ⅰ, while P.pedatisecta was in group Ⅱ. Group Ⅰ comprised two subgroups, namely subgroup A and B.Both P.ternata and P.integrifolia were clustered into subgroup A, while P.cordata and P.peltata were clustered into subgroup B. These results suggest that P.cordata had the closest genetic relationship with P.peltata, and P.ternata was closely related to P.integrifolia. Pinellia pedatisecta was a sister group to the other four species. The results of this research might be useful for guiding exploitation and preservation of Pinellia in China.


