

Floristic Diversity and Fundamental Features of Wild Seed Plants in Jiangxi Province

  • 摘要: 江西位于我国中亚热带东部, 地史悠久, 自然环境条件优越, 植物种类相当丰富。初步统计江西共有野生种子植物4057种,隶属于193科1082属,其中裸子植物7科18属29种,被子植物186科1064属4028种。科属区系研究表明:(1)区系组成丰富,优势科、属明显;(2)地理成分复杂,区系联系广泛,以热带性成分为主,温带性成分占有较大的比例;(3)区系起源古老,孑遗植物众多;(4)珍稀植物和特有植物丰富。


    Abstract: Jiangxi province is located east of the mid-subtropical zone of China,and has a long geological history.It has superior natural environment conditions,and possesses many plant species.According to preliminary data,there are 4057 species of wild seed plants in Jiangxi province (including varieties) belonging to 193 families and 1082 genera,of which gymnosperms account for 7 families,18 genera,and 29 species and angiosperms account for 186 families,1064 genera,and 4028 species.Floristic analysis showed: (1) a rich floral composition,with the dominant families and genera highly prominent; (2) complex geographical components indicated by the flora being extensively connected with most parts of the world,with a dominant tropical element for the wild seed plants overall as well as a large temperate element; (3) flora of ancient origin,with relic plants still found to exist in the area; and (4) the existence of many rare and endemic plants.


