

Flora of Wild Seed Plants in Yundingshan Nature Reserve in Shanxi

  • 摘要: 山西云顶山自然保护区位于吕梁山脉中段,有野生种子植物926种,隶属于391属、85科,其中裸子植物2科、4属、6种,被子植物83科、387属、920种(其中双子叶植物72科、311属、756种;单子叶植物11科、76属、164种)。种子植物属的区系成分复杂多样,以温带成分占绝对优势,温带属共275属,占总属数的82.08%。种子植物种的区系成分中,温带分布占绝对优势,达566种,占总种数的62.61%,中国特有分布次之,有306种,它们是构成云顶山自然保护区森林植被和灌丛植被的建群种和优势种的主要成分。经与有关山地植物区系和植被组成比较后得出,云顶山自然保护区与庞泉沟自然保护区具有较高的同质性和密切的联系,与五台山次之,而与中条山具有明显的差异。云顶山自然保护区有国家二级保护植物野大豆,还有山西省重点保护植物山西乌头、红景天和党参3种。


    Abstract: Yundingshan Nature Reserve is situated in the middle part of the Lüliang Mountains,Shanxi province.The wild seed plants of Yundingshan Nature Reserve included 926 species,391 genera and 85 families,of which gymnosperms accounted for 6 species,4 genera and 2 families,and angiosperms accounted for 920 species,387 genera,and 83 families (of which dicotyledons included 756 species, 311 genera 72 families and monocotyledons included 164 species, 76 genera and 11 families).The floristic characteristics of seed plants were diversified and complicated in composition, and were dominated by temperate elements (including 275 temperate genera,accounting for 82.08% of all the genera).Among the floristic elements of species,the temperate elements absolutely dominated,which included 566 species accoun-ting for 62.61%;the second were the endemics to China with 306 species,which were the constructive and dominant forest and shrub species of Yundingshan Nature Reserve.The results showed that higher homogeneity and closer relationship in the floristic elements and vegetation components between Yundingshan Nature Reserve and Pangquangou Nature Reserve,less similarity with Wutai Mountains,and the least similarity with Zhongtiao Mountains.Moreover,Glycine soja being under the national first class protection,and Aconitum smithii,Rhodiola rosea and Codonopsis pilosula being under provincial protection were also found during this study.


