

Study on the Wild Plants Biodiversity and Vegetation of Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong

  • 摘要: 长洲岛共有野生维管植物237种,隶属于73科184属。植被类型以次生常绿阔叶林为主,其次为灌丛群落。植物区系以热带亚热带植物地理成分占优势,热带性质明显。该岛的植物区系与邻近岛屿植物区系具有极大的相似性,在香港植物区系组成中占有一定地位。由于人为活动和外来植物的影响,其植物多样性及植被的保护应引起注意。


    Abstract: We determined there were 237 wild vascular plants from 184 genera in 73 families in Cheung Chau Island.The dominant vegetation types were secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest, followed by shrubland.The flora was dominated by tropical and subtropical elements.The flora of Cheung Chau Island is very important in Hong Kong and is similar to its neighboring regions.Because of human activities and exotic plant introduction,the floristic composition,species diversity,and vegetation protection should be an important area of focus.


