

Relationships between Geographical Distribution of Endangered Pinus kwangtungensis and Climate in China

  • 摘要: 通过实地考察和资料查询,广泛收集华南五针松的地理分布资料,同时对分布区范围内113个地面气象站的气象数据进行插值分析,提取华南五针松分布点的气象数据。利用17项与植被相关的气候指标,分析华南五针松地理分布与气候特征的关系,结果表明,华南五针松在不同地区的高温条件的变化范围比较小,低温条件变化范围较大,但从物种量上来说,无论是高温条件还是低温条件都偏低,生长季降水量很丰富,变化范围较小,所以华南五针松喜好温凉湿润的生境条件。将华南五针松分布区分为三部分,即:南岭山地、南岭以南地区、海南地区,通过对三个地区相关气候指标的分析,进一步讨论了华南五针松分布区的气候特征,结果表明,相对于降水,温度是限制其分布的更重要的因子。利用主成分分析方法,对单一的气候指标进行了数理统计分析,结果表明,影响华南五针松地理分布的主要限制因子,按影响的大小依次为:温度因子>降水因子>湿度因子。还讨论了在气候变化的情况下,华南五针松分布区的变化趋势,提出了对华南五针松迁地保护地点选择的建议。


    Abstract: According to geographical distribution data of Pinus kwangtungensis acquired through field investigation and pre-existing data as well as meteorological data acquired through spatial interpolation of climate factors from 113 meteorological stations in distribution area of P. kwangtungensis,seventeen indexes of vegetation-climate interaction were applied to study relationships between geographical distribution of P. kwangtungensis and climate in China.Results showed that P. kwangtungensis grew well in cool,wet environments.Geographical distribution regions of P. kwangtungensis were divided into three parts and according to the climate characteristics of its distribution temperature was a more important limitation on distribution than precipitation.Principal component analysis showed that the relative effect of climate indexes on the distribution of P. kwangtungensis followed the order thermal factor in temperature>precipitation>relative humidity.Finally,the article discusses the distribution trend in relation to climate change and provides suggestions for ex-situ conservation of P. kwangtungensis.


