

Leaf Abaxial Epidermal Features of Chrysanthemum Wild Plants from Anhui

  • 摘要: 利用光学显微镜对5种安徽野生菊属(Chrysanthemum)植物(野菊、甘菊、菊花脑、毛华菊和紫花野菊)的叶下表面特征进行研究,并探索与植物分布、生态的相关性.结果显示,这些类群非腺毛、腺毛的形态、大小和密度均有差异;气孔的大小和密度、表皮细胞的大小和角质纹理等方面也存在差异.叶片表面的特征与植物生长环境有相关性.依据这些特征讨论了菊花脑的分类并尝试性地编制了这些类群的检索表.


    Abstract: Leaf abaxial epidermal features of five species of Chrysanthemum (C.indicum,C.lavandulifolium,C.nankingense,C.vestitum,and C.zawadskii) from Anhui Province were observed by light microscopy (LM),and the relationship between such features and the distribution and ecolope of the plants were studied.Results showed there were significant differences among the five wild plants in shape,size,and density of glandular hairs and non-glandular hairs;there were also disparities in size and density of stomatal apparatus,epidermal cell size and texture of horniness.Leaf abaxial epidermal features were related to distribution and eco-lope of the plants.In terms of these characteristics,we discussed genus classification of C.nankingense and compiled a taxonomic key of the five Chrysanthemum species from Anhui.


