Isolation and Screening of Microalgae with High-lipid Contents in Shanxi Province
摘要: 分别从山西省汾河流域、运城盐湖等水体采集水样,使用微挑法、平板涂布法对其中的微藻进行了分离纯化,并对分离得到的29株微藻和购买的3株微藻,进行了高脂藻株的筛选。结果表明:采用干重法对32株微藻的生长量进行测定,其干重介于48.9~422.2 mg/L之间;采用氯仿甲醇法对32株微藻的总脂含量进行测定,其总脂含量介于5.4% DW~30.1% DW之间;采用尼罗红荧光染色法对32株微藻的中性脂相对含量进行测定,其单位体积的荧光值介于4.1~181.5之间。综合评价藻株的总脂产率,最终筛选到山西省NY017盐生杜氏藻(Dunaliella salina)、NY023线形菱形藻(Nitzschia linearis)以及NY025谷皮菱形藻(Nitzschia palea)为高脂藻株,油脂产率分别为3.25、3.03、2.11 mg·L-1·d-1,具有生产生物柴油的潜力。Abstract: This study attempted to choose potential oil-producing microalgae candidates across Shanxi province.Thirty-two strains of microalgae were tested.Among these microalgae,29 strains were isolated from water samples collected from four sites in the Fenghe River and the Salt Lakes Area in Yuncheng.Three strains of microalgae were bought from the Freshwater Algae Culture Collection of the Institute of Hydrobiology.Microalgae from the Shanxi province were isolated and purified by Micro-picking method and Spread-plate method.The biomass of 32 strains of microalgae varied between 48.9-422.2 mg/L,which were determined by dry weight.Chloroform-methanol extraction is a traditional total lipid measuring method and Nile red fluorescence is a new technique used for determining neutral lipids.In this study,Chloroform-methanol extraction and Nile red fluorescent staining were combined to determine lipid contents of the 32 strains of microalgae.The results showed that total lipid content of all strains were in the range of 5.4% DW-30.1% DW,and fluorescence value in unit volume were in the range of 4.1-181.5.High lipid productivity is a key selection criterion of species for biodiesel production.According to the lipid productivity of the microalgae,we screened three strains of microalgae that may be potential oil-producing candidates in Shanxi province.These three strains included NY017(Dunaliella salina),NY023(Nitzschia linearis)and NY025(Nitzschia palea).Their lipid productivities were 3.25 mg·L-1·d-1,3.03 mg·L-1·d and 2.11 mg·L-1·d-1 respectively.