

Phylogenetic Analysis of Polygonum L. s. lat. and Related Genera (Polygonaceae) Inferred from nrDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequences

  • 摘要: 通过对广义蓼属及近缘属共32个代表种内转录间隔区ITS序列的分子系统学分析,尝试研究备受争议的广义蓼属及近缘属的物种族、属、组级的划分问题,结果显示,广义蓼属在系统发育树上并不能形成一个单系类群,这些物种共聚为3大支,分别对应春蓼族、蓼族及荞麦族,其中荞麦属与翅果蓼属形成了一支独立于春蓼族及蓼族之外的类群。在春蓼族中,冰岛蓼属与分叉蓼组形成一个单系类群。


    Abstract: Phylogenetic analyses of 32 species of Polygonum L. and related genera were conducted on the basis of nrDNA ITS sequences using maximum parsimony. Results suggested that Polygonum did not constitute a monophyletic group,and that one monophyletic clade of Fagopyrum and Parapteropyrum named tribe Fagopyreae was placed outside the two major clades corresponding to tribes Persicarieae and Polygoneae. Furthermore,Koenigia and sect. Aconogonon composed a monophyletic group with a close relationship to sect. Bistorta.


