

Preliminary Evaluation and Screening of Non-food Biodiesel Plant Resources of Lauraceae in China

  • 摘要: 通过调查我国现有樟科油脂植物资源,本研究对74份(9属47种)樟科油脂植物样品的含油率、脂肪酸甲酯组成、碘值及其油酸甲酯的理化性质进行了分析,并根据非粮生物柴油能源植物的评价标准,初步筛选出了19份(5属18种)具有开发利用价值的樟科非粮生物柴油能源植物,为樟科油脂植物资源的评价与筛选、深度开发与综合利用等提供参考依据。


    Abstract: To provide valuable references for the evaluation and screening, in-depth development, and comprehensive utilization of oil plants of Lauraceae, we investigated the existing oil plants of this family in China. Based on investigation data, the oil content, fatty acid composition, iodine value and physicochemical properties of methyl esters (MEs) of 74 samples (9 genera and 47 species) were analyzed. According to the evaluation standard of non-food biodiesel plants (NFBP), 19 samples (9 genera and 18 species) with development and utilization value were preliminarily screened.


