Analysis of a Mosaic Monosomic Alien Addition Line of Rice with Chromosome 7 of Oryza officinalis C-Genome and Its Backcross Progeny
摘要: 对一个药用野生稻(Oryza officinalisWallexWatt,基因组型CC)异源单体附加系(monosomicalienaddi-tionline,MAAL)及其回交后代进行了分析,应用分子标记技术确定了该异源单体附加系所附加的染色体是一条嵌合的7号染色体,药用野生稻贡献了其长臂部分,而短臂和着丝粒则来源于栽培稻。将该植株与栽培稻亲本回交,得到109株回交后代,考察了回交群体的主要农艺性状并进行了分子标记分析,发现野生稻染色体片段的渗入影响了回交后代的株高、千粒重、结实率、结实密度、叶宽等农艺性状,而且这些性状之间正相关度很大。Abstract: Oryza officinalis Wall ex Watt (C genome) is an important reservoir of useful genes.However,low crossability and limited recombination rate between chromosomes of the cultivated rice (O.sativa L.A genome) and wild species limit the transfer of such genes.We analyzed an O.officinalis monosomic alien addition line (MAAL) of rice and its backcross progenies.The results of molecular marker analysis showed that the additional chromosome was a mosaic chromosome 7 including the long-arm of O.officinalis and the short-arm and centromere of cultivated rice.The MAAL was backcrossed to cultivated rice and a backcross population consisting of 109 plants was evaluated for 9 agronomically important traits.We found that the introgressed fragments affected some traits including plant height(PH),percent seed set(PSS),percent seed set per cm(PSSPC),leaf width(LW),1000-grain weight(TGW) and spikelets per panicle (SPP).Correlations among these traits were positive.
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