倭竹属Shibataea Makino隶于禾本科之竹亚科,现已知有8种,分布于我国东南部的浙江、福建、江苏、安徽、江西等省,广东、台湾两省有少量栽培,日本产1种。苏联、西德、印尼等国所栽培的倭竹均系自我国或日本引入。我国浙-闽地区产8种,且都有野生发现,是本属的现代分布中心。倭竹属植物体型矮小,常植于庭院或公园中供观赏。近年来盆景艺术迅速发展,微型园林日益兴起,倭竹属植物体态优美,常绿,耐寒且易于栽培,为广大园林工作者所垂青。
Eight species are contained in the genus Shibataea Makino (Bambusoideae, Gramineae). Only one of them was discovered in Japan, all of them were discovered in Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi provinces of China, some of them have been introduced into Guangdong, Taiwan provinces and Indonesia, Korea, Germany, Soviet Union. Effect of the climate, soil, human activity, interspecies competition and biological characteristic on the distribution of the genus were discussed, and the conclusion that southeastern of China, especially, Zhejiang-Fujian region, is the modern distribution center of the genus, were gainted.The plants of the genus Shibataea Makino have great value in horticulture because they are short, evergreen, graceful, cold-tolerant and easily tobe-cultivated.