

徐乃瑜, 严家骐

徐乃瑜, 严家骐. 光周期敏感细胞质雄性不育小麦的研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 1998, 16(2): 97-105.
引用本文: 徐乃瑜, 严家骐. 光周期敏感细胞质雄性不育小麦的研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 1998, 16(2): 97-105.
Xu Naiyu, Yan Jiaqi. STUDIES ON PHOTOPERIOD-SENSITIVE CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY IN WHEAT[J]. Plant Science Journal, 1998, 16(2): 97-105.
Citation: Xu Naiyu, Yan Jiaqi. STUDIES ON PHOTOPERIOD-SENSITIVE CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY IN WHEAT[J]. Plant Science Journal, 1998, 16(2): 97-105.



  • 摘要: 选用我们创建的D2型细胞质与普通小麦品种,经多年回交核置换获得的15种异质系,在不同发育期置于武汉不同光长条件下,并春播于哈尔滨自然长日条件下,抽穗时套袋自交,进行碘染花粉观察,成熟后考察自交结实率等。结果表明;①5个对照核供体品种在武汉冬播,于不同发育期进行不同光长处理,对花粉不育和自交结实率没有显著影响;在哈尔滨春播,除B174为弱冬性品种来不及正常成熟未作统计外,其它供试材料都能正常结实。②异质系小麦在小穗原基形成始期进行24h长光处理,花粉高度不育或全不育,每穗结实0~6.1粒;在小花分化期进行上述处理,花粉不育和结实粒数也明显降低,但有的异质系不及前述发育期显著。③在异质系中以牡山羊草细胞质对24h长光最敏感,其次为粗厚山羊草细胞质,再次为瓦维洛夫山羊草细胞质。④15.5h长光处理对引起雄性不育和结实粒下降有一定影响,但不及24h长光影响大;在小穗原基形成始期进行15.5h长光处理的效应比小花分化期要显著,说明到小花分化期进行15.5h长光处理对花粉败育导致不实的作用已大大降低。⑤在同一异质条件下,不同核对引起雄性不育效应有异。D2型细胞质可作为小麦光周期敏感细胞质雄性不育来源的重要遗传资源,它与一定的核组配,可为两系法小麦杂种优势
    Abstract: Five Chinese common wheat cultivars backcrossed separately with Aegilops crassa, Ae. juvenalis and Ae. vavilovii cytoplasm (all belongs to D2 cytoplasmic type)have been studied in respect of its photoperiodic response to sterility. The results are asfollows:①Five nuclear donors varieties used as controls were sown in winter at Wuhan,and treatment with different light duration at different developmental stage hadno prominent effect on the sterility of pollens and the percentage of seed set. When they were sown at Harbin,they also produced seed set normally.②These alloplasmic lines showed complete or almost complete male sterility under 24 h long day condition from the beginning of spikelet formation to heading. At floret differentiation stage, under 24 hlong day condition the sterility of pollen and number of seed grains also distinctly decreased,but some alloplasmic lines showed reduction not so evident as that produced at the former stage.③Among different alloplasmic lines,the cytoplasm of Ae. juvenalis is most sensitive to the long day condition.while cytoplasm of Ae. crassa is the next,and the cytoplasm of Ae. vavilovii is the last.④15. 5 h long day treatment had some influence on the male sterility and reduction of percentage of seed set,but was not so large asthat appeared under 24 h long day condition. At the beginning of spikelet formation.theeffect of 15. 5 h long day treatment was more obvious than that treated at floret differentiation stage,which indicate that at floret differentiation stage the effect of 15. 5 h longday condition on the pollen abortion and causing sterility was greatly reduced.⑤Underthe same alloplasm condition,different nuclei showed different effects on the production of male sterility. ⑥The cytoplams of D2 type could be used as important genetic resource for the production of "Photoperiod-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterility"(PCMS)of wheat,when it was used in combination with definite nucleus,it could be employed asa new path for hybrid wheat production,since only two lines-the PCMS and pollinator lines were reguired in this system.
  • 文章访问数:  1921
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  • 收稿日期:  1996-12-07
  • 修回日期:  1997-05-12
  • 发布日期:  1998-04-23


