选用1个抗虫棉品种‘DP99B’(简称DP),2个彩色棉品种‘绿絮1号’(简称LV)和‘棕絮1号’(简称ZH),在早期(萌动期)热激处理后播种于大田,研究DP、LV、ZH品种萌动期、高温期下午、高温期早晨处理与对照棉株相比,热激蛋白(HSP)种类与含量的变化。结果表明:早期热激处理有助于高温期棉株体内产生更丰富的热激蛋白,从而提高了棉株的耐热程度;棉花最终蕾铃脱落率与对照相比,DP、LV、ZH分别降低了3.89%、0.91%和1.96%;实收籽棉产量、品种之间差异较大,DP、LV籽棉产量比对照分别提高15.8、8.4 kg/667 m2,而ZH则比对照降低了13.6 kg/667 m2。研究了棉株在自然高温期HSP合成表达的差异,以及早期热激预处理对棉花品种在高温期时蕾铃脱落率和产量的影响。
Three variety cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.):One pet-resistant cotton variety ’DP99B’(DP) and two(colored) cotton varieties ’Lüxu 1’(LV) and ’Zongxu 1’(ZH) were used.The materials in germination stage were heat shocked and were sowed in the field.After natural high temperature,the different kinds and content of HSPs were(detected) and heat shock in early stage could attach a relation to boll retention and final yields.Results showed that heat shock treatment in early growing period benefited the abundance of HSPs in cotton(leaves) in high temperature season,and then increased the ability thermo-tolerance.The result showed that the final investigation of boll retention rate decreased by 3.89%,0.91%,1.96%,in the variety of DP,LV and ZH,respectively,comparing treatment with control.For the yield of seed cotton,differences(between) varieties were significant.The yield of seed cotton of DP and LV increased by 15.8 kg/667 m2 and 8.4 kg/667 m2,while ZH decreased 13.6 kg/667 m2 to control.