近几年来,在武汉东湖,每到深秋至次年初夏都出现数量较多,主要附生在枝角类和桡足类等浮游动物体表的柄裸藻属(Colacium Ehr.)植物;在冬末春初,出现种群数量的高峰。自1981年至1984年,作者曾对它进行过有关形态、分类和生态方面的探讨。在本文仅简述其有关形态和分类方面的问题。
There are a great number of Colacium Ehr. (Euglenaceae, Euglenophyta) in Lake Dong-Hu, Wuhan, from late autumn to early summer in recent years. They have been identified as C. sideropus Skuja 1939 by observation of their morphology and making research on their cytology, especially on the characteristics of their chromatophoras. But some of their characteristics, the colloidal cushion or colloidal stalk, are similar to C. cyclopicola(Gicklh)Bourrelly and C. vesiculosum Ehr. On the other hand, Some phycologists think that the chromatophoras of C. cyclopicola and C. vesiculosum contain the pyrenoid. Therefore, perhaps they (C. sideropus, C. cyclopicola and C. vesiculosum) and actually of the same Species belonging to Colacium Ehr. Our investigation proves that Rosowski’s viewpoint about classification and identification of Golacium Ehr. is rational, i. e.: the colloidal stalk of Colacium Ehr. can not be considered as an important basis for classifing; and it is necessary for the pyrenoids in chromatophoras of Colacium Ehr. to be stained or observed by electron microscope.