

柯善强, 黄仁煌, 武显维, Robert M.Skirvin

柯善强, 黄仁煌, 武显维, Robert M.Skirvin. 裂叶悬钩子组织培养研究——Ⅰ.裂叶悬钩子叶外植体培养直接再生不定芽及植物激素对它的影响[J]. 植物科学学报, 1988, 6(4): 399-404.
引用本文: 柯善强, 黄仁煌, 武显维, Robert M.Skirvin. 裂叶悬钩子组织培养研究——Ⅰ.裂叶悬钩子叶外植体培养直接再生不定芽及植物激素对它的影响[J]. 植物科学学报, 1988, 6(4): 399-404.
Ke Shanqing, Huang Renhuang, Wu Xianwei, Robert M. Skirvin. STUDIES ON RUBUS LACINiATUS CULTURE IN VITRO——Ⅰ. The effect of various growth regulators on adventitious bud formation from leaf explants[J]. Plant Science Journal, 1988, 6(4): 399-404.
Citation: Ke Shanqing, Huang Renhuang, Wu Xianwei, Robert M. Skirvin. STUDIES ON RUBUS LACINiATUS CULTURE IN VITRO——Ⅰ. The effect of various growth regulators on adventitious bud formation from leaf explants[J]. Plant Science Journal, 1988, 6(4): 399-404.


STUDIES ON RUBUS LACINiATUS CULTURE IN VITRO——Ⅰ. The effect of various growth regulators on adventitious bud formation from leaf explants

  • 摘要: 本文首次报道裂叶悬钩子(Rubus laciniatus Wild)叶外植体培养在改良的NN69培养基上附加2—4mg/1 6-BA和0.1mg/1 NAA或1—3mg/1 2,4-D和0.1mg/1 NAA,两者都可直接从完整叶片、叶片下切段或叶柄诱导出不定芽。诱导频率达20—48%。而不定芽绝大部分发生在叶轴处或叶柄基部。完整叶片的不定芽诱导率与叶片下切段无差别,但比叶柄基部诱导率要高。6-BA对叶轴处不定芽诱导率比2,4-D的要高。此外,不需继代培养,不定芽数可达10—20个,继代培养一个月左右,每个不定芽能形成丛生芽数可达40一60个。另外,本文还讨论了细胞分化过程中的极性现象。
    Abstract: Leaf explants of Rubus laciniatus Wild cv. 'Thornless Evergreen' blackberry were cultured in vitro on modified Nitsch and Nitsch (1969) medium containing either 2 to 4 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (6 -BAP) and 0.1 to 0.2 mg/13-naphthaleneacetie acid (NAA) or 1 to 3 mg/1 2, 4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2, 4-D)and 0.1 mg/l NAA. Adventitious buds formed directly from complete leaf blades as well as the lower leaf and petiole segments. About 20 to 48% of the explants formed buds, but most complete plants developed from leaf rachises or at the base of the petioles. Whole leaves and leaf segments formed buds at about the same rate. However, the highest number of shoots formed on petiole segments near the base of the petiole. 6-BAP more strongly affected shoot formation than 2, 4-D. without subculture a single leaf blade could produced 10 to 20 shoots in about 40 days. With subculture onto identical medium, a leaf blade can produce 40 to 60 shoots after only 30 days. The relationship of adventitious shoot formation to polarity is discussed.
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  • 收稿日期:  1987-01-21
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  1988-11-25


